issue 1 (page 15)

a collection of poetry
i wish i didn't forget the things i think about in the shower it always has something to do with washing your hair
or a cool slam poem
or some song lyrics
but washing your hair is usually the thing i forget about the most

the last time i got drunk
playing mario kart with my little cousins
drunk driving is god damn fun
take me to jail and teach me to lift weights

setting up for online banking at a local community credit union
their hold music is laid back acoustic music
i am laid back acoustic music
i want more laid back acoustic music in my itunes

let me whisper into your hair at night
lost in your curly maze
never find the way out
you can brush and brush but ill always be there

i can't swim
let me drown
in your river

on the 4th of july i watched fireworks while sitting on my roof
there was a tree in my line of sight but i just imagined them
it was way better than the real thing
i can't see stars in the city but they look better in my head anyway

jakob maier is a student in washington, and something he enjoys is eating mexican food.  you can find him on facebook at
